
raffaele acunzo

D.D.S., Adjunct Professor at the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, Italy.

Member of the Implant Kol Consultant Network for dental implant health promotion.

Ad hoc reviewer of Journal of Periodontology, the Clinical Advances in Periodontology, The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.

Published and lectured in the fields of Periodontology, Mucogingival surgery, and Periodontal maintenance after surgical procedures.

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Meet Dr. Acunzo at Level 2. SURGICAL MASTERCLASS with the lecture on:

◾️Classification of gingival recessions;
◾️Phenotype of the tissue and different techniques of periodontal plastic surgery;

Incontra dott. Acunzo in CORSO ANNUALE DI PARODONTOLOGIA (Modulo 4) con la lezione sulla

◾️ Chirurgia Mucogengivale e HANDS ON
◾️Techniche chirurgiche per la copertura radicolare.

raffaele acunzo perio parodontologia corsi course courses dentisti hygienists igienisti
raffaele acunzo perio parodontologia corsi course courses dentisti hygienists igienisti
raffaele acunzo perio parodontologia corsi course courses dentisti hygienists igienisti